August 17, 2005

Feudalism: A Study in Detail

A highly elaborate study of Feudalism as desired in history is undertaken at Successors of Rome: The Periphery of Francia, 445 to Present. It contains detailed study of the kings substantiated by maps, family trees and other supporting material. It is brief study of the history of different European countries.

On the definition of Feudalism just read the following lines:
"This term is derived from the Old Aryan pe'ku, hence Sanskrit pacu, "cattle"; so also Lat. pecus (cf. pecunia); Old High German fehu, fihu, "cattle", "property", "money"; Old Frisian fia; Old Saxon fehu; Old English feoh, fioh, feo, fee. It is an indefinable word for it represents the progressive development of European organization during seven centuries."

I never knew that the word has Indian connection. The detailed article is at Feudalism. It is based on the work of different historians. It is written by BEDE JARRETT and Thomas Crossett on the net as a part of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VI.

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